Progressive Therapeutic Collective provides in-home counselling and mental health support to NDIS participants.
NDIS Reform Update: Support Lists Announced
The introduction of a definition of NDIS supports
The Australian Government has introduced a definition of NDIS supports, to give people greater clarity about what NDIS funds can and cannot be used for.
From 3 October, you can only spend NDIS funding on things that are NDIS supports or are approved replacements for NDIS Supports.
The list of NDIS Supports is based on existing guidance, so in most cases there is unlikely to be any change to the supports a person is currently using.
The lists make it clear what the NDIS does and does not fund, and will help participants and their families make more informed choices about how they use their NDIS plan funding.
NDIS funding and plans
Plans approved from 3 October onwards will have a total budget amount, funding component amounts and funding periods.
This change makes clear the total funding available in a plan and how long the funds need to last. You can’t spend more funding than what’s available in your plan.
For now, all new plans created after 3 October will be for no longer than 12 months. In the future, most people’s plans will go for longer than this. We will let people know as soon as this changes.
Text above taken directly from https://www.ndis.gov.au/news/10432-3-october-legislation-changes on Tuesday, 1 October 2024.
NDIS Participants at PTC
Progressive Therapeutic Collective offers in-home and telehealth support to NDIS participants. We provide:
individual counselling
sex therapy
relationship counselling
social work.
As an unregistered provider, we work with plan-managed and self-managed participants.
Whilst we’re an unregistered provider, we are still required to adhere to the NDIS Code of Conduct. The NDIS Commission Enforcement and Compliance policy also applies to our service and anyone can make a complaint to the Commission about a provider, regardless of registration status.
To access counselling services under the NDIS, you must have the item ‘Improved Daily Living’ in your plan.
Improved Daily Living provides funds to access an allied health professional and is generally flexible across other therapeutic services.
You could therefore use some or all of your Improved Daily Living funds for counselling if you think it will benefit you and your short-term goals.
NDIS Counselling at Home
We understand telehealth may not suit all NDIS participants, so Sarah offers individual & relationship counselling in the home.
*Travel surcharge applies
We provide services via telehealth and in the home.
All practitioners provide services via telehealth.
Our Practice Director, Sarah Newbold, also provides counselling and social work in the hom - if safe to do so.
All NDIS counselling sessions are $150, plus travel.
Please note, price will increase to $155, plus travel from 1 February 2024.
Email admin@progressivetherapeutic.com.au
We endeavour to be a flexible practice, providing opportunity for reschedules and cancellations with up to 24 hours notice. Any appointment rescheduled or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, will be charged the full amount. We are a small practice and our sole income is derived from our sessions.
An individual counselling session is $150.
The same rate applies per hour of travel.
Guiding documents
We adhere to the standards set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2023-24
We do not charge a different rate for NDIS clients and non-NDIS clients.
Pay the Rent & Mutual Aid
The Pay the Rent movement calls for non-Indigenous individuals and businesses to regularly contribute financially to Indigenous organisations as part of reparations and restorative justice. This movement aims to provide tangible support to Indigenous communities, addressing historical and ongoing injustices while fostering a sense of accountability and solidarity.
At Progressive Therapeutic Collective (PTC), we've been paying the rent since our inception four years ago.
Each year, we allocate 1% of our annual profit to The Westerman Jilya Institute for Indigenous Mental Health and another 1% to Decolonise Sex Work Australia, a Blak mutual aid fund for sex workers. As a white-owned business, we believe it’s crucial to acknowledge and address systemic injustices against Indigenous communities. Our commitment to mutual aid is about taking concrete actions to bring aboug meaningful and genuine social change.