Progressive Therapeutic Collective: transforming therapy

Available online across the country, on weekdays, evenings and weekends.

Sarah, standing in a doorway, smiling

Sarah Newbold (she/her)

Practice Director & Founder of
Progressive Therapeutic Collective.

Bachelor of Social Work & Counselling (Hons)
Master of Business Administration (Social Impact)
Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors
Prince2 Project Management Professional

Professional roles:

  • Practice Director

  • Senior Counsellor

  • Senior Social Worker

  • Clinical Supervisor

In 2019, Sarah started Progressive Therapeutic Collective in response to a lack of genuinely trauma-infomed, integrative and progressive therapy practices. Progressive Therapeutic Collective works hard to be a genuine values-aligned practice, which deeply considers the systems and communities around it.

Sarah wants to create a practice that challenges the old cis-het white male, medicalised model of therapeutic support.

Building a practice that is professional, evidence-based and also incorporates other view points is Sarah’s passion!

As a relationship and individual therapist, Sarah has a passion for ALL relationship styles and sees them all as equal & valid. Non-monogamy and the conscious creation of different relationship structures is a key focus area.

Sarah has worked in counselling and social work for over 20 years and loves to work with other practitioners, to help them develop and strengthen their own practice. This is done through professional clinical supervision work and helping practitioners to start up their own private practice.

When Sarah isn't at work you will find her at the beach with therapy-assistant Raya, writing, reading, pottering in the garden and walking in the bush.

*Please note, Sarah does not work with issues relating to cognitive impairment such as Alzheimers and Dementia.

Sarah’s therapeutic focus areas:

  • Trauma

  • Gender & sexuality

  • Relationships (all relationship structures)

  • Abortion

  • Gynaecological issues

  • Sex & kink

  • Neurodiversity

  • Professional and clinical development

  • Education & advocacy

Our Services

Pay the Rent & Mutual Aid

The Pay the Rent movement calls for non-Indigenous individuals and businesses to regularly contribute financially to Indigenous organisations as part of reparations and restorative justice. This movement aims to provide tangible support to Indigenous communities, addressing historical and ongoing injustices while fostering a sense of accountability and solidarity.

At Progressive Therapeutic Collective (PTC), we've been paying the rent since our inception four years ago.

Each year, we allocate 1% of our annual profit to The Westerman Jilya Institute for Indigenous Mental Health and another 1% to Decolonise Sex Work Australia, a Blak mutual aid fund for sex workers. As a white-owned business, we believe it’s crucial to acknowledge and address systemic injustices against Indigenous communities. Our commitment to mutual aid is about taking concrete actions to bring aboug meaningful and genuine social change.

Raya, the dog, looks into the camera