Sex Therapy

Progressive Therapeutic Collective provides sex therapy to people aged 18+

Sex Therapy

Progressive Therapeutic Collective is a proudly sex-positive and kink-affirming counselling practice.

Within our practice, we have a Sex Therapist and a Relationship Therapist, who work across a broad range of issues with a diversity of clients.

Our approach, rooted in sex-positivity and kink-affirmation, offers a unique, empowering journey towards sexual self-discovery and fulfillment.

We work to provide a space where you can safely explore and embrace sex, sexuality, relationships and all consensual, free from judgment.

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  • All individual counselling sessions are held online, via encrypted telehealth.

  • Sex & kink counselling sessions are held Monday to Saturday.

    All practitioners have varying availability.

    We endeavour to provide after work hours sessions as often as possible.

  • The sessions run for 50 minutes.

    $150 standard (please note, will increase to $155 from 1 February 2024)

    $105 financial challenge (please note, will increase to $115 from 1 February 2024).

  • Email

  • We endeavour to be a flexible practice, providing opportunity for reschedules and cancellations with up to 24 hours notice. Any appointment rescheduled or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, will be charged the full amount. We are a small practice and our sole income is derived from our sessions.

Sex Work and Counselling

At PTC, we recognise Sex Work as legitimate work.

We work hard to be an informed, safe & welcoming space for all professions, including Sex Work.

We state this explicitly, so people know our beliefs and values.

Outside of our practice, we regularly advocate for decriminalisation & recognition.

Evidence-based research

Addressing sexual issues in couples seeking relationship therapy

This study examined the nature of the sexual issues most often reported in 169 couples seeking relationship therapy, as well as the sexuality-related goals pursued by their therapist.

Healthy Sexuality for Sex Offenders

This review will examine the current, although limited, literature on the development of healthy sexuality for sex offenders, as well as some of the related controversies surrounding sex offender specific therapies

Art therapy with couples: integrating art therapy practices with sex therapy and emotionally focused therapy

This paper highlights the benefits of art therapy with couples, integrating sex therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) premises, and illustrating the use of creative and expressive tools to uniquely assess and foster relational and intimate bonds

Evaluating an Integrated Approach to Improve the Couple Sexual Desire Disorders: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study

Treating and changing patterns of low sexual desire and dysfunctions can be done in various ways. However, it is important to recognize the value of integrated approaches when it comes to addressing these issues.

Sex therapy news & articles

Jen is a Counsellor, Psychologist and Sex Therapist, with a strong interest in relationship dynamics, sexual challenges and creating a sex-positive, non-judgemental space for people to explore their full selves.

Pay the Rent & Mutual Aid

The Pay the Rent movement calls for non-Indigenous individuals and businesses to regularly contribute financially to Indigenous organisations as part of reparations and restorative justice. This movement aims to provide tangible support to Indigenous communities, addressing historical and ongoing injustices while fostering a sense of accountability and solidarity.

At Progressive Therapeutic Collective (PTC), we've been paying the rent since our inception four years ago.

Each year, we allocate 1% of our annual profit to The Westerman Jilya Institute for Indigenous Mental Health and another 1% to Decolonise Sex Work Australia, a Blak mutual aid fund for sex workers. As a white-owned business, we believe it’s crucial to acknowledge and address systemic injustices against Indigenous communities. Our commitment to mutual aid is about taking concrete actions to bring aboug meaningful and genuine social change.