Why International Women’s Day is still relevant

International Women's Day, celebrated annually on March 8th, is a day to recognize the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and to call for gender equality worldwide. While some might argue that progress has been made in recent years, the reality is that women still face systemic discrimination and violence, making International Women's Day more relevant now than ever before.

Here are some key reasons why International Women's Day remains important:

  • Gender Inequality Is Still Prevalent

Despite progress in some areas, gender inequality is still prevalent in many parts of the world. Women are often paid less than men for doing the same job, and they are underrepresented in leadership roles in business, politics, and other fields. They are also more likely to live in poverty and to experience violence and harassment.

  • Women's Health and Reproductive Rights Are Under Threat

Women's health and reproductive rights are still under threat, with access to healthcare and family planning services becoming more limited in some areas. Women also face discrimination when it comes to their reproductive rights, with many countries still denying women the right to access safe and legal abortions.

  • Women Face Violence and Harassment

Women around the world continue to face violence and harassment on a daily basis, both in public and private spaces. Domestic violence, sexual assault, and rape are still widespread problems, and many women do not feel safe walking alone at night or speaking out against their abusers.

  • Intersectional Issues Affect Women Differently

Women from marginalized groups, such as women of color, LGBTIQA+ women, and disabled women, face additional barriers and discrimination based on their intersecting identities. Addressing these intersectional issues is essential to achieving true gender equality.

  • Women's Voices Need to Be Heard

International Women's Day provides a platform for women's voices to be heard, and for their achievements and contributions to be celebrated. It is an opportunity to highlight the challenges that women still face and to call for action to address them.

International Women's Day is still relevant because gender inequality and discrimination continue to affect women around the world. It is a reminder that progress towards gender equality is not inevitable, and that we must continue to fight for the rights and well-being of women everywhere. By acknowledging and addressing the ongoing challenges facing women, we can work towards a more just and equitable world for all.

At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we are a proudly intersectional feminist therapeutic practice.

We regularly see clients in both individual and relationship counselling, who are impacted by gender inequality. Disparity in pay, homelessness, domestic violence and discrimination are issues we work with regularly.


The benefits of therapy via telehealth


Domestic Violence Series: Medical Abuse