Condemnation of Labor Party's Exile of Senator Fatima Payman

We, at Progressive Therapeutic Collective, are deeply dismayed by the recent actions of the Australian Labor Party in exiling Senator Fatima Payman for her courageous stance on Palestinian statehood. This decision not only undermines the principles of democracy but also silences an essential voice advocating for human rights and justice.

Senator Payman’s commitment to crossing the floor to support Palestinian statehood, despite facing significant political pressure, exemplifies the integrity and moral courage that our leaders should embody. Her suspension and subsequent ostracisation from caucus meetings, internal communications, and chamber duties reflect a troubling attempt to intimidate and silence those who dare to stand against injustice.

It is particularly alarming that these actions have been taken against an Australian Senator and a Muslim woman, further highlighting issues of discrimination and systemic bias within our political institutions. The Labor Party's decision to suspend Senator Payman for her principled stance sends a dangerous message that standing up for the rights of oppressed peoples, including Palestinians, is not only discouraged but punishable.

We call upon the Labor Party to immediately reinstate Senator Payman and to respect the diverse perspectives within their ranks, especially those advocating for international human rights. The principles of democracy demand that all voices, particularly those speaking out against genocide and injustice, be heard and respected.

Furthermore, we urge the Australian government to take concrete actions to support Palestinian statehood and to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It is imperative that our leaders prioritise human rights and justice over political expediency.

Senator Payman’s dedication to the true values and principles of the Labor Party should be celebrated, not condemned. We stand in solidarity with her and all individuals who bravely fight for justice and equality.

Sarah Newbold
Contact Information: Progressive Therapeutic Collective


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