Climate Change

At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we recognise the imperative need for immediate action to combat climate change. The evidence provided by climate scientists is unequivocal: the Earth is experiencing unprecedented changes due to human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels. To mitigate the severe impacts of climate change, it is crucial to implement comprehensive strategies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable practices, and advocate for systemic change. As a therapeutic practice committed to the wellbeing of our clients and community, we are dedicated to leading by example in the fight against climate change.

Climate scientists around the world agree that the window for effective action is rapidly closing. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports highlight the urgent need for drastic reductions in carbon emissions to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Failure to achieve this target will result in catastrophic consequences, including more frequent and severe weather events, sea level rise, and biodiversity loss. Our belief in the science compels us to take proactive steps towards a sustainable future, both within our practice and through our advocacy efforts.

The impact of climate change on mental health and wellbeing is profound and multifaceted. Individuals and communities affected by climate-related events such as natural disasters, heatwaves, and resource scarcity often experience heightened anxiety, stress, and trauma. The uncertainty and sense of loss associated with environmental degradation can lead to eco-anxiety and a feeling of helplessness. At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we understand that addressing these mental health challenges is an essential component of our climate action efforts.

Since 2020, Progressive Therapeutic Collective has proudly maintained its status as a carbon neutral practice. This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. We meticulously measure our carbon footprint, implement energy-efficient practices, and offset our emissions through investments in renewable energy and reforestation projects. By maintaining carbon neutrality, we aim to demonstrate that businesses, including therapeutic practices, can operate sustainably without compromising their mission or effectiveness.

Our passion for climate change activism is rooted in our core values of compassion, justice, and advocacy. We actively participate in and support movements that demand urgent climate action, corporate accountability, and governmental policies that prioritise the environment. We believe that collective action is necessary to drive the systemic changes required to combat climate change. By aligning ourselves with the most proactive environmental groups, we amplify our impact and contribute to a broader movement for climate justice.

A therapeutic practice must care about the state of our planet because environmental health is intrinsically linked to human health. The well-being of our clients depends not only on their immediate circumstances but also on the broader context in which they live. A stable and healthy environment is fundamental to overall wellbeing, and the degradation of our planet poses a significant threat to mental health. By addressing climate change, we are safeguarding the future health and happiness of our clients and communities.

Our approach to climate change involves integrating sustainability into every aspect of our practice. This includes reducing waste, conserving resources, and choosing eco-friendly products and services. We encourage our clients and partners to adopt sustainable practices in their own lives, promoting a culture of environmental responsibility. By making conscious choices, we can collectively reduce our impact on the planet and contribute to a more sustainable future.

In conclusion, Progressive Therapeutic Collective is committed to addressing the urgent threat of climate change through immediate action, sustainable practices, and advocacy. Our belief in the science, understanding of the mental health impacts, and dedication to carbon neutrality since 2020 underpin our approach. We are passionate about climate activism and believe that therapeutic practices have a crucial role to play in safeguarding the environment. By integrating sustainability into our operations, educating our clients, and collaborating with others, we strive to create a healthier, more equitable world for all.