
What is Keraunophilia?

Keraunophilia combines the Greek words "keraunos," meaning thunderbolt, and "philia," meaning love or affection. People with keraunophilia find thunderstorms, lightning, and thunder sexually arousing. This can manifest in various ways, such as feeling heightened arousal during a storm or seeking out storm-related media for sexual gratification.

Why Do Thunderstorms Arouse Some People?

Sexual arousal is a complex mix of thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. For those with keraunophilia, the sensory experiences of thunderstorms—the booming sound of thunder, the visual excitement of lightning, and the overall atmosphere of a storm—can be incredibly stimulating. Over time, these sensory experiences can become linked with sexual arousal through a process called associative learning.

Embracing Keraunophilia

It's important to understand that keraunophilia, like other sexual interests, is a natural part of the diverse spectrum of human sexuality. Having a fetish like keraunophilia doesn't mean something is wrong with you. It's simply one way people experience and enjoy their sexuality. At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we're here to support you in understanding and embracing your desires.

What Research Says About Sexual Fetishes

Recent studies have shown that sexual fetishes are more common than you might think. For instance, nearly half of the people surveyed in a study by Joyal and Carpentier (2017) reported having experienced a paraphilic interest at some point in their lives. This means that fetishes, including keraunophilia, are quite normal.

Another study by Ahlers et al. (2019) found that people with fetishes do not necessarily experience higher levels of psychological distress than those without fetishes. This means that having a fetish doesn't make you "abnormal" or troubled. It's simply a part of who you are.

How We Can Support You

If you identify with keraunophilia, we want to help you feel comfortable and confident in your sexuality. Here are some ways we can support you:

  1. Normalise Your Experience: We'll validate your feelings and experiences, emphasizing that fetishes are a normal part of human sexuality.

  2. Promote Safe Exploration: We'll discuss ways to safely explore your fetish, ensuring that any activities you engage in are consensual and safe.

  3. Understand Your Desires: We'll help you explore the personal significance of your fetish and how it fits into your overall sexual identity and relationships.

  4. Challenge Shame and Stigma: We'll work together to challenge any shame or stigma you may feel, helping you develop a positive self-image.


Keraunophilia is a unique and valid part of human sexuality. By embracing it with a sex-positive and kink-affirming perspective, you can enjoy a fulfilling and authentic sexual life. At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we're here to support you every step of the way.


Ahlers, C. J., Schaefer, G. A., Mundt, I. A., Roll, S., Englert, H., Willich, S. N., & Beier, K. M. (2019). How unusual are the contents of paraphilias? Paraphilia-associated sexual arousal patterns in a community-based sample of men. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 16(5), 792-803.

Joyal, C. C., & Carpentier, J. (2017). The prevalence of paraphilic interests and behaviors in the general population: A provincial survey. Journal of Sex Research, 54(2), 161-171.




Katoptronophilia (the love of mirrors)