Dental Dams

When it comes to safe sex practices, there's an often overlooked but incredibly important tool: the dental dam.

What is a Dental Dam?

A dental dam is a thin, square piece of latex or silicone, typically measuring about 6 inches on each side. Originally designed for dental procedures (hence the name), these barriers have found an important role in safe sexual practices. They are used to cover the vulva, vagina, or anus during oral sex, acting as a protective barrier between the mouth and the genitals or anus.

Why Use a Dental Dam?

The primary purpose of a dental dam is to reduce the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during oral sex. Dental dams can significantly reduce this risk by preventing direct contact and the exchange of bodily fluids.

How to Use a Dental Dam

Using a dental dam is straightforward:

  1. Open the package carefully, avoiding tearing the dam.

  2. Check which side of the dam will be in contact with the partner’s body and keep it consistent.

  3. Place the dental dam over the vulva, vagina, or anus.

  4. Hold the dam in place during oral activity.

  5. Use a new dam for each activity or if switching between areas.

Where to Get Dental Dams Dental

dams can be found in some pharmacies, sexual health clinics, or online. If a dental dam is not readily available, a condom can be cut open to create a flat sheet, or a non-microwavable kitchen plastic wrap can be used as a last resort, though it's not as effective as a purpose-made dam.

Myths and Misconceptions

  • Myth: Dental dams reduce pleasure. While it's true that using a dental dam can feel different than direct contact, many people find that the safety and peace of mind it offers actually enhances pleasure.

  • Myth: Only people with multiple partners need to use them. Dental dams are recommended for anyone engaging in oral sex, regardless of the number of partners, as STIs can be transmitted even in monogamous relationships.

Incorporating dental dams into your sexual routine is a simple yet effective way to enjoy oral sex more safely. It's all about protecting yourself and your partners while maximising pleasure. Let's normalise the use of dental dams and make safe sex a standard part of our intimate encounters.


Dirty Talk

