
Amaurophilia (from the Greek words "amauros," meaning dark or dim, and "philia," meaning love or affection) is a kink or sexual preference in which an individual is aroused by or attracted to the experience of reduced visibility or blindness, either for themselves or their partner.

This can involve various activities or scenarios, such as blindfolding, sensory deprivation, or role-playing as a blind person.

The appeal of amaurophilia often lies in the heightened senses and increased vulnerability that comes with the limited ability to see, which can intensify trust, intimacy, and anticipation between partners.


At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we are proudly sex-positive and kink-affirming counselling and sex therapy practice. We work hard to reduce shame and instead, encourage open and supportive conversations about our sexual selves.

We are based in Boorloo/Perth, but work across Australia via telehealth.



