Why We Seek Out AuDHD Lived Experience Support Groups

Those of us with both Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) — a combination we refer to as AuDHD — often encounter unique challenges. Finding others who genuinely understand these challenges isn’t easy, which leads many of us to join 'Autism + ADHD (AuDHD) Lived Experience Support Groups'. Here’s a straightforward look at why these groups are so valuable to us.

Understanding and Acceptance

A primary reason we seek out these groups is for the sense of understanding and acceptance they offer. Within these groups, we’re surrounded by people who live with AuDHD, just like us. This common ground fosters a strong sense of belonging and acceptance that can be hard to find in other areas of our lives.

Sharing Practical Advice

Living with AuDHD comes with its own set of daily challenges, whether it's handling sensory overload or finding strategies to stay organized. In support groups, we share tips and strategies that have worked for us, providing each other with practical advice that makes daily life more manageable.

Providing Support and Building Community

Sometimes, navigating life with AuDHD can feel isolating. Support groups give us a space to share our experiences, express our emotions, and offer support to each other. This sense of community is crucial for our mental well-being, reminding us that we’re not alone.

Empowering Each Other and Advocating

Together, we learn not just to cope, but to thrive. These groups often become platforms for us to empower each other to advocate for our needs, whether in educational settings, workplaces, or personal relationships. There’s strength in numbers, and as a group, we can raise awareness about AuDHD and work towards more inclusive environments.

Celebrating Our Growth

Support groups provide a safe environment where every small victory is celebrated, and every challenge is met with understanding and encouragement. Here, we set goals, share our progress, and cheer each other on. It’s a place where we can grow, surrounded by people who understand the effort and determination it takes.

In essence, for many of us with AuDHD, finding a lived experience support group means finding a community where we’re seen, heard, and valued. These groups offer not just support but a space where we can collectively navigate our journeys, sharing in both the challenges and triumphs that come with living with AuDHD.

To learn more about AuDHD Lived Experiences:



Better understanding swinging with Sarah


Benefits of Lived Experience Support Groups