Progressive Therapeutic Collective (PTC) Condemns Discriminatory Push in Albany and Calls for Protection of LGBTIQA+ Rights

Albany, WA — 11 August 2024: Progressive Therapeutic Collective (PTC), a proudly queer-owned mental health practice, strongly condemns the recent efforts by a small group in Albany to censor educational materials and target the LGBTIQA+ community under the pretense of protecting children.

These actions, which include attempts to ban vital sex education books and undermine the significance of Pride celebrations, are not only baseless but also dangerously perpetuate harmful stereotypes.

Research consistently shows that comprehensive sex education is crucial for young people’s healthy development, and exposure to diverse gender identities fosters empathy and understanding.

Censoring educational content and promoting discrimination poses a serious threat to the mental health and well-being of LGBTIQA+ individuals, particularly in a time when support and inclusivity are needed most.

PTC calls on the Albany community and its leaders to reject these divisive actions, uphold the rights and freedoms of all citizens, and stand in solidarity with the LGBTIQA+ community. We urge everyone to join us in promoting a community where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is free to live with dignity and respect.

Contact: Sarah Newbold (she/her)
Practice Director, Counsellor & Social Worker


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