Finding the Right Clinical Supervisor: 20 Essential Questions to Ask

As someone experienced in social work and counselling clinical supervision, I understand the significance of finding the right clinical supervisor to guide you through your professional development. The supervisory relationship is vital for your growth, offering support, insight, and feedback as you navigate complex cases and ethical dilemmas. To ensure you find the right fit, here are 20 essential questions to ask a potential clinical supervisor.

Questions About Experience and Qualifications

  1. What is your educational background and professional experience?

    • Understanding their qualifications and areas of expertise helps gauge their ability to provide relevant guidance.

  2. How long have you been providing clinical supervision?

    • Experience can often correlate with a deeper understanding of supervisory roles and responsibilities.

  3. What professional licenses and certifications do you hold?

    • Ensuring they have the necessary credentials validates their competence and compliance with professional standards.

  4. What is your theoretical orientation or approach to supervision?

    • This helps determine if their approach aligns with your professional beliefs and needs.

  5. Can you describe your clinical experience in social work/counselling?

    • Knowledge of their practical experience gives insight into their hands-on expertise and areas of specialization.

Questions About Supervision Style and Approach

  1. How do you structure your supervision sessions?

    • Understanding the format and structure can help you assess if it meets your learning style and professional needs.

  2. What do you believe are the most important aspects of supervision?

    • Their priorities can reveal their focus areas and what they consider essential in the supervisory relationship.

  3. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements during supervision?

    • Knowing their conflict resolution style can help you feel more comfortable addressing any issues that arise.

  4. What are your expectations of supervisees?

    • Clear expectations can help you understand what is required from you and if you can meet those demands.

  5. How do you provide feedback to your supervisees?

    • Feedback style is crucial for your growth; it’s important to know if it’s constructive and supportive.

Questions About Support and Development

  1. How do you support the professional development of your supervisees?

    • This indicates their commitment to helping you grow professionally and personally.

  2. Can you describe a time when you helped a supervisee through a challenging situation?

    • Real-life examples can illustrate their problem-solving skills and support methods.

  3. What resources or materials do you provide to your supervisees?

    • Additional resources can enhance your learning and professional growth.

  4. How do you approach self-care and burnout prevention in supervision?

    • Their focus on self-care can ensure they help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  5. How do you address ethical dilemmas and boundary issues in supervision?

    • Their approach to ethics is crucial for guiding you through complex ethical scenarios in your practice.

Questions About Logistics and Practicalities

  1. What is your availability for supervision sessions?

    • Ensuring their availability matches your schedule is essential for consistent and effective supervision.

  2. How do you handle emergency situations or urgent consultations?

    • Knowing their protocol for emergencies can provide peace of mind.

  3. What is your fee structure for supervision?

    • Understanding the cost and payment expectations helps you budget and plan accordingly.

  4. Do you offer group supervision, individual supervision, or both?

    • Knowing the format can help you decide if their offerings match your preferred learning style.

  5. Can you provide references or testimonials from past supervisees?

    • References can give you an idea of their effectiveness and the experiences of others under their supervision.


Choosing the right clinical supervisor is a critical step in your professional journey. By asking these 20 questions, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of a potential supervisor’s qualifications, style, and approach, ensuring they are the right fit for your needs. Remember, a good supervisor not only provides guidance and support but also challenges you to grow and develop as a competent and ethical practitioner. Take the time to find someone who aligns with your professional goals and values, and you will set the foundation for a successful and fulfilling career.


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