Why Progressive Therapeutic Collective Believes in the Global Decriminalisation of Abortion

At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we stand firmly in support of the global decriminalisation of abortion. Our belief is rooted in the principles of bodily autonomy, the right to make personal health decisions, and the pursuit of equitable and accessible health care for all. As a practice that champions the rights of women and AFAB (assigned female at birth) individuals, we recognise the profound impact that criminalising abortion has on their lives, health, and well-being.

Bodily Autonomy and Reproductive Rights

Bodily autonomy is a fundamental human right. It signifies that every individual has the right to govern their own body without coercion or interference. This principle is particularly critical when it comes to reproductive health decisions. When abortion is criminalised, it strips individuals of their autonomy, forcing them to endure pregnancies that they may not be physically, emotionally, or financially prepared to handle.

At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we believe that everyone should have the freedom to make decisions about their own bodies. This includes the right to access safe and legal abortion services. By supporting global decriminalisation, we advocate for a world where individuals can exercise their reproductive rights without fear of legal repercussions or social stigma.

The Health and Safety of Individuals

Criminalising abortion does not eliminate the need for abortion; it only makes it unsafe. When legal access to abortion is restricted, individuals often turn to unsafe methods to terminate pregnancies, putting their health and lives at significant risk. Unsafe abortions are a leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity globally, particularly in regions where access to reproductive health care is limited.

Decriminalising abortion is essential for ensuring that all individuals have access to safe and regulated health care. It allows for the provision of medical services in sanitary conditions, performed by trained professionals, which significantly reduces the risk of complications and death. As a therapeutic practice, we are deeply concerned with the health and safety of our clients and believe that access to safe abortion is a crucial aspect of comprehensive health care.

Mental Health and Well-being

The criminalisation of abortion also has severe implications for mental health. Being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy can lead to significant psychological distress, including anxiety, depression, and trauma. Additionally, the stigma and fear associated with seeking an illegal abortion can exacerbate these mental health challenges.

At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we understand the intricate link between mental health and reproductive rights. We are committed to providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment for individuals to explore their reproductive options. Decriminalising abortion is a step towards reducing the mental health burden associated with unwanted pregnancies and ensuring that individuals can make choices that are best for their overall well-being.

Equity and Social Justice

The criminalisation of abortion disproportionately affects marginalised groups, including low-income individuals, people of colour, and those living in rural areas. These groups often have the least access to safe and legal abortion services and face the greatest risks when forced to seek unsafe alternatives.

Global decriminalisation of abortion is a matter of social justice. It ensures that all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status or geographic location, have equal access to safe reproductive health care. At Progressive Therapeutic Collective, we strive to promote equity in all aspects of health care, and supporting the decriminalisation of abortion is integral to this mission.

A Call to Action

As a practice dedicated to the rights and well-being of women and AFAB individuals, we at Progressive Therapeutic Collective urge for the global decriminalisation of abortion. We believe that every person deserves the right to make informed decisions about their reproductive health without fear of legal consequences or societal judgment.

We call on policymakers, health care providers, and communities worldwide to support the decriminalisation of abortion and to work towards creating a world where reproductive rights are respected and upheld. By doing so, we can ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to live healthy, autonomous, and empowered lives.


Abortion counselling issues explored: Abortion Laws Across Australia


Why Progressive Therapeutic Collective is Pro-Choice